Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Rancho Cucamonga
Involved in a Motorcycle Accident in Rancho Cucamonga? We Can Help.
Owning and riding a motorcycle in Southern California can be much more than a weekend hobby and to most it is an expression and importantly a way of life.The enjoyment of hoping on your bike and cursing an hour to the beach or the switchbacks up the hill to the lake provides a sense of enjoyment and empowerment not paralleled with anything else and offers and daily opportunity for pleasure not found too many locations outside Rancho Cucamonga.
The problem is that no matter how experienced a rider is or how careful they are, distracted drivers and the negligence of other motorist can instantly alter a riders life forever. Rancho Cucamonga is a major metro area in itself and also located inside the Inland Empire, one of the busiest set of roadways in the Country. That is why many find themselves in need of a Rancho Cucamonga motorcycle accident attorney.
Injury Victims of Motorcycle Accidents are Often not at Fault
Motorcycle accidents are often attributed to a person or persons other than the rider, and common causes would be distracted drivers not paying attention to their surroundings, under experienced drivers not trained to see or be aware of motorcycle riders and even road hazards. Motorcycle riders sharing the road with cars and trucks causes’ confusion for vehicle operators who may not be familiar with the best driving practices of a motorcycle rider. This is especially true when it comes to motorcyclists and lane splitting. Rancho Cucamonga also hosts a handful of high schools, is local to community colleges as well as pockets of retirement centers which yields countless under experienced drivers as well as those in deteriorating health. Like any other serious injury, a motorcycle accident can change the course of a rider’s life both physically, emotionally and almost always financially.
Justin King – Motorcycle Accident Attorney Serving Rancho Cucamonga, Inland Empire
The timeline to initiate a claim or begin to fight for recovery is essential to being able to recoup a fair amount that will be able to provide for the needs of a motorcycle accident victim. Understanding the rights and responsibilities when someone is a victim can dramatically change the potential outcome of a motorcycle accident settlement or case. Justin King in Rancho Cucamonga understands the limitations and losses victims of motorcycle accidents suffer and from the start he works diligently to not only understand the full extent of damages, but also how those will effect a victim long term.
Contact Justin H. King : No Obligation – Always Confidential
If you or a loved one has been the victim of a motorcycle accident in or around Rancho Cucamonga contact our office to ensure your legal rights are protected sooner than later. As mentioned above, insurance companies work for a board of directors and for profits of shareholders. Your future is not their main priority. If you were a motorist and a victim of an auto accident caused by a motorcycle we can also help. Our motorcycle accident lawyers represent all types of serious and traumatic injuries where victims need a personal injury attorney.
Motorcycle Accidents – Lasting Effects
Motorcycle accidents and the damages done can range widely depending on the severity of the accident. In minor motorcycle accidents a rider can be hospitalized and need physical therapy to return to doing normal daily activities. More traumatic motorcycle accidents such as big rig trucking accidents on common local Rancho Cucamonga freeways like the 210, 10 and 15 can result in serious and lifelong debilitation including loss of limbs, lasting medical conditions including spinal cord injuries and brain damage as well as even loss of life.
In those serious situations a motorcycle rider who was a victim of an accident in or around Rancho Cucamonga may have light at the end of the tunnel in terms of regaining some mobility and physical function to a certain degree, but the financial hardship placed on victims of motorcycle accidents is far reaching and arguably more stressful than the physical damages. A motorcycle victim with serious medical traumas may be faced with not being able to work and provide for their family and in the most serious of cases may be looking at a lifetime of around the clock medical and care giving expenses. Although Rancho Cucamonga does have top rated medical centers, more effected victims may also be forced to foot the bill for specialty centers and physicians a long way away in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.
Recovering Damages after a motorcycle accident
Victims of motorcycle accidents are often injured more severely than others involved in the accident, usually including the at-fault driver. Passengers in cars, trucks and commercial driving equipment are restrained and protected by countless safety features while a motorcycle rider merely has a helmet tasked with keeping them safe. Compensation for damages can assist with ongoing medical costs, loss of current and future wages and even other types of damages, but in many motorcycle cases the physical loss will never be replaced or remedied. Rancho Cucamonga is currently exploding with new developments for residence and business and this not only brings in new drivers it is increasing the amount of construction and large equipment which posses an even deadlier risk to motorcycle riders.
The problem in many motorcycle accidents is victims relying on the insurance companies to provide a fair settlement. Despite the average income in Rancho Cucamonga being moderately high, and victims being able to afford more comprehensive insurances, there is always a cap on what insurances will willingly provide. The insurance company’s role is not to provide victims with the financial means they need, but rather settle for the least amount possible. An experienced injury attorney familiar with a motorcycle accident case and the dynamics of the local roadways can help to fight for a recovery to prepare the victim and their family for the financial hardships that lay ahead.
We Fight for Victims of Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle victims and their families experience an instant life changing event. Physical, emotional and financial damages can last an entire lifetime and long after the initial shock of the accident and injury occurs, dealing with and financially managing these injuries will still be present. No matter if it was a single car accident at Victoria Gardens, or a sandwich with a big rig on the 210 West, damages can be horrific. Learn more about our firm, or contact us today for the best Rancho Cucamonga motorcycle accident attorney to help you.
A Personal Injury Firm Representing Victims Covering a Wide Scope of Catastrophic & Serious Injury Cases
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