Dog and Animal Bite Attorney Serving Ontario, CA
Injured by a Dog or other Animal in Ontario? We Can Help.
While many dogs are friendly, other dogs have the potential to seriously harm people without warning. Statistics reveal that each year, there are over 20 fatal dog attacks in the United States. Even though fatalities due to dog bites are relatively rare, additional statistics report 800,000 dog bites each year .The damage that can arise from these issues involve a variety of complications including anxiety, cuts, depression, infections, nerve damage, permanent disfigurement, post traumatic stress disorder, and puncture wounds. Dog owners have a legal responsibility to prevent their pets from harming others and when they cannot, injury claims may help ease the burden placed on victims with respect to physical harm, emotional trauma and financial hardship.
Applicable California Law Regarding Animal and Dog Bites – Applies to Victims in Ontario, CA
The owner of a dog is liable for emotional and or physical damages caused to any individual who is bitten by the dog or animal while the victim is either lawfully in a private place or in a public place. A person is considered to be lawfully on the private property of another person when that individual is on the property of another with the property owner’s express or implied consent. Simply put, this could apply to a person visiting a friend, neighbors talking on the front lawn or even to home repair or service providers.
The dog’s former propensity for violence, previous reports of the dog attacking others, or the individual’s knowledge that the dog has a vicious nature cannot stand as a defense in these cases. Even if these elements exist, a dog’s owner can still be held responsible for the violent actions of the dog when attacks occur and victims in Ontario are injured.
What to Do After An Animal or Dog Bite in Ontario, CA – Simple Steps to Help Your Case
If you are bitten by a dog, there are some important steps that you should take which include the following:
Immediately, see a skilled medical professional who can examine your injuries and make sure that adequate medical treatment is received. Even if injuries are not immediately apparent after an attack, it is still a wise idea to be seen by a knowledgeable medical care provider. The professional can better evaluate any immediate and potentially long lasting injuries.
Make sure to obtain the contact information and address of the dog’s owner as well as any witnesses who saw the accident occur. If you are in the process, have a friend or loved one collect this information to make sure that these details are gathered.
Photograph the physical injuries received as the result of the dog attack. Furthermore photos if the area the incident took place including the property, landmarks and other specifics as these photos can later provide a clear picture as memories can sometimes dissipate.
Make a report with law enforcement of the attack and make sure to fully cooperate with the investigating officers. If animal control was called also obtain a copy of their report if available, or obtain contact information of the agency to follow up and obtain and reports or documentation as it becomes available.
Justin King – Dog & Animal Bite Injury Attorney Serving Victims in Ontario, C.A.
Dog bites often create life lasting mental and physical damages. Fortunately, negligent dog owners can be held liable for compensation for emotional and physical complications resulting from these attacks. To determine the strength of your animal or dog bite attack and its likely outcome, it is a good idea to contact an experienced attorney who understands the variables in dog and animal bites. Our seasoned legal counsel will be able to determine the various ways in which you can respond in your case. Do not hesitate to contact The Law Offices of Justin H. King today by completing our online form or calling us to schedule an initial consultation.
Contact Justin H. King: No Obligation – Always Confidential
If you or someone you know has recently been bitten by a dog or other animal we are here to help. Our no obligation and confidential case evaluation provides important details about your rights and responsibilities after an animal bite. Use our case evaluation form here to get in touch and learn what you need to know now. Dog & Animal Bite cases are time sensitive so understanding your rights sooner may make all the difference.