Premier Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Montclair, CA
Injured in a motorcycle accident? You’ll need the support of a skilled personal injury attorney.
Motorcycles have been a favored method of transportation for Californians for many years. Regrettably, motorcycle-related accidents are not uncommon in the state, and many of these accidents have very serious consequences. When a person is injured in a motorcycle accident, the physical, emotional, and financial damage sustained can affect him or her for the rest of his or her life.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident that was caused as a result of another’s careless actions, you will need to discuss your legal options with an experienced personal injury attorney. In California, drivers who cause accidents as a result of negligence can be held accountable when the accident leads to another’s injuries. Speak to a knowledgeable personal injury attorney who will advocate on your behalf and defend your right to a maximum compensation.
Over Ten Years in Dedicated Legal Experience
Any traffic accident can be a traumatic experience, but motorcycle accidents can be particularly frightening. Far too many motorcycle accidents result in debilitating injuries that can disrupt the injured person’s life and lead to a lifetime of pain and financial distress. When a motorcycle accident happens, obtaining the legal support of a proficient personal injury attorney becomes a critical necessity.
For more than a decade, Attorney Justin H. King has successfully championed on behalf of injured motorcycle riders. He understands that motorcycle accidents typically lead to serious injuries that can cause temporary or even permanent debilitations. Because of the seriousness of most motorcycle accidents, victims will typically need the support of a qualified attorney who will thoroughly investigate the case and collect all necessary evidence on their behalf. Attorney Justin H. King is prepared to handle the most complex motorcycle accident cases. Consider contacting his law firm at (909) 297-5001 today to schedule your free consultation.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in California
Motorcyclists typically face an abundance of dangers when on California roads and highways. A majority of roadway dangers stem from other drivers who share the road with riders. One of the most prevalent reasons for causing motorcycle accidents is careless driving. Even if a motorcyclist practices safe riding, there are far too many reckless drivers on the road who fail to practice safe driving, and this leads to many motorcycle accidents every year.
A motorcycle accident can be caused as a result of another driver engaging in the following:
Speeding can cause drivers to have slow reaction times. Many drivers who speed are unable to stop their vehicle in time when there is sudden traffic on a highway. Speeding can also lead to inadvertently passing red lights or stop signs. A speeding driver who strikes a rider can cause life-threatening injuries to the rider.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving has dramatically increased in the last several years. In part, this is because drivers use their cellphones and navigation systems while driving. Distracted driving is a serious issue across the nation, which leads to thousands of injuries each year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 3,000 people were killed as a result of distracted driving in 2008.
Changing Lanes Without Checking for Riders
Based on California Vehicle Code §21658.1, a motorcyclist can ride between the rows of stopped or moving vehicles in the same lane, which can include on divided and undivided roads, streets, or highways. Drivers have a responsibility to provide an indication that they will be switching lanes. They must also check their blindspots and mirrors for incoming motorcyclists before switching lanes.
Driving While Intoxicated
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a very serious offence and carries serious penalties. Drivers who cause the injury or death of a rider because of their intoxication can face civil and criminal liability.
According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, 42 percent of all drivers who were killed in motorcycle accidents and were tested, tested positive for legal and/or illegal substances in 2018.
Vehicle Defects
Motorcycle accidents can sometimes be caused as a result of a defective part in the motorcycle or a completely defective motorcycle design. An accident can also be caused as a result of a defect in the other car’s design or auto body part. When a motorcycle accident has been caused as a result of a defect, the manufacturing company of the part can be held accountable for the damages accrued from the accident. While these accidents can be difficult to determine, it is important to run a complete investigation of the case and safeguard all evidence that can signal the manufacturing company’s liability.
Dangerous Road Conditions
Municipal governments have a responsibility to ensure public roads are adequately designed, constructed, and maintained. When a dangerous road condition exists and a motorcycle accident is caused because of the dangerous condition, the agency responsible for the road can be held accountable for the injuries caused in the accident.
It is important to note that when filing a personal injury claim against a government agency, the State of California shortens the window to file a claim. While most personal injury claims have a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident, accident claims against a public agency have a deadline of six months.
Damages Available to Motorcycle Victims
Following a motorcycle accident caused as a result of another’s negligence, compensation may be attained through a personal injury claim. In California, the following economic and non-economic damages can be pursued.
Medical Expenses
Depending on the severity of the injuries, medical expenses can result in thousands of dollars. Upon a successful personal injury claim, compensation can be recovered for the following: Hospital stays and future visits, The need for future medical expenses, Surgery, Physical therapy and rehabilitation, and The need for at-home treatment.
Pain and Suffering
The emotional distress suffered after a traumatic motorcycle accident can be debilitating, and state law recognizes this. As a result, motorcycle accident victims have the right to seek compensation for their pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is an intangible damage that can be difficult to evaluate. An experienced attorney can assist in the process and ensure a fair settlement is secured.
Loss of Income
Depending on the severity of the injuries, a motorcycle accident victim may be left unable to return to work for a temporary period or permanently. Any loss of income can be recovered in a personal injury claim. When the injury results in a permanent disability, the injured victim has the right to seek monetary compensation for the loss of future earnings and benefits.
Obtain the Legal Support of a Reputable Motorcycle Accident Attorney
If you or someone you love was injured in a motorcycle accident, it is important to seek the legal support of a motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. Obtaining the support of a knowledgeable attorney can increase the chances of building a strong case, thus securing a maximum compensation. An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to gather all important evidence, evaluate the medical records, and determine the value of the case. Discuss your case with a reputable attorney as soon as possible.
For more than a decade, Attorney Justin H. King has successfully helped injured motorcyclists obtain the compensation they needed to make a full recovery. Attorney King understands that there is a significant difference between receiving a low balled settlement offer and being awarded the maximum amount of compensation available. For many motorcycle accident victims, financial hardship is the harsh reality of their future. Consequently, Attorney Justin H. King is prepared to aggressively advocate for his clients’ rights to full compensation. After a motorcycle accident, consider obtaining the legal support of Attorney Justin H. King. Call (909) 297-5001 today for a free initial consultation.